The Miracle

On Friday morning, I woke up early and got ready. I was dressed and my bag packed in plenty of time to leave, but I couldn't find my cardholder.

The cardholder that had my metro card, my work ID, my driver's license, and my company credit card.

I tore my room apart searching, looked in every pocket of every coat. I retraced all of my steps around the house, before falling to my knees and praying for God's help. I needed to get to work. I needed those cards, and I needed them soon. I asked for help to allow me to find my cardholder. And I felt a voice say, "Just start walking Allyson, I'll take care of it."

So I put on my coat and grabbed my bag and started walking to the metro stop. I was nervous but I didn't know what to do about it, other than trust that my Heavenly Father would help me. So I walked.

About halfway through, right in the middle of the sidewalk, my cardholder lay face down on the concrete. I burst into tears.

I'm grateful for a Father in Heaven who hears and answers my prayers, sometimes in ways I didn't think possible.

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Words by Allyson. Theme by STS.