For Grandma

Yesterday afternoon, my grandmother passed away.

Grandma would do the crossword puzzle with me everyday when I went home to visit my parents. She had the most fantastic jewelry and kept her earrings separated in ice cube trays. Grandma loved to eat Cheetos. She once gave us ice cream and Cinnamon Toast Crunch for breakfast. She read Louis L'Amour books and fell asleep in the red chair at my parents' house. Grandma was easy to talk to; she always had a lot of questions about what was going on in my life and what was new and exciting. Several months ago, I was having a particularly hard and frustrating day, and when I finally got home I had a letter from Grandma waiting in my mailbox right when I needed it. Grandma was faithful. She was there this past December when I went through the temple for the first time. She sang alto at church. She loved her family very much.

And I love her very much.

I'm proud to be her granddaughter.

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