Crossed My Mind

Things that crossed my mind in the past two weeks:

Don't go to Sephora when you're breaking out. The salespeople automatically point you to acne fighting skincare and full coverage makeup. Just shopping for perfume, but I appreciate y'all looking out for me.

Saturday mornings on campus are always so quiet. I really like it.

At the same time, I always work better when there's someone behind me to see my computer screen. I feel like they'll judge me if they see too much Sporcle.

I wore a plain white t-shirt and jeans 3 days last week. The t-shirt was my little brother's that I stole about 2 years ago.

Every spring I have to retrain myself to bring my sunglasses everywhere. It's always more difficult than I expect.

For the first time this semester, I'm really starting to get nervous.

The perfect way to combat nervousness is to write four pages of a paper in just over an hour. BAM!

My best friend called me on Sunday and we talked for over an hour. She's just wonderful. Can't beat that.

Three weeks, and I'll be Master Allyson.

Yesterday, I completely lost it. Cried on public transportation. Today, I got it back. Someone told me I was "radiant." Like Wilbur!

Maybe, just maybe, this is all going to work out.

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