Starting Over

This week has been really hard.  I have been working and working and working, and I feel that very little is coming of it.  So last night, I went to bed early, on the couch I might add, and woke up to a new day.  Or so I thought, but things didn't go all that much better today. So I came home and made a plan. Ready?

1.  I will work and work and work some more.....and then I'll keep on working until I'm satisfied.
2.  Prayer and scriptures: more diligently, more meaningful
3.  I will smile every single day; there is ALWAYS something to smile about
4.  I will be content with who I am and what I've accomplished

If I'm willing to do these four things, I feel confident that things will start to look up for me.  After all, "The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow"  (H.G. Wells).

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